Foodbank collectives are united in their response that a reduction in government funding will reduce the amount of food and support provided, perpetuating a brutal and often unbreakable cycle of hardship, hunger and poverty.
Loraine Elliott, Vicar for Social Impact and Communications for the Catholic Diocese of Auckland states: “Every food bank, no matter the size or origin, is fulfilling a desperate need in our community. This need, this hunger – is not shrinking, but only growing daily due to cost of living expenses.”
‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.’ (Matt 25:35)
Feeding the poor and disadvantaged through the funding of foodbanks can be considered corporal acts of mercy, love, charity and justice because it is a direct method of addressing the immediate temporal needs and rights of others.
The Justice and Peace Commission, Catholic Diocese of Auckland reiterates this call to feed the poor and hungry and implores the government to free foodbanks from funding paralysis, reach back into that copper pot of government funding, and when asked – give more to feed more.
Fund the foodbanks, feed the poor!
Read the full statement here: Fund the foodbanks, Feed the Poor. JPCA Media Statement July 2024
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