Sian Owen

Dad’s are Invincible to their Boys

By Sian Owen / February 11, 2021
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On his 6th birthday. My son received one of those razor scooters for his birthday. You know, those ones with the really small wheels. The next day he was riding down our relatively steep back yard and I thought, it’s only a matter of time before carnage occurs. Later that day I was outside while he was scooting and he said, “Dad have a go”. So up to the top of the drive I went and down I came – like a rocket. I was somewhat pleased with my speed when the front wheel went into a small hole in …
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Giving our Children a Voice

By Sian Owen / February 3, 2021
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Giving our children a voice Learning to talk is hard when you are starting out as a young child. We encourage our children to talk by repeating everything to them, until they learn the sound and the context. Then they master the use of words and we as parents wonder sometimes if they will ever be quiet again. So, how do we teach our children to have a voice that will help in life to solve social issues. Be fully present when our children are talking to us. Take time to look at them when they are talking to you. …
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Fun things to do that don’t cost a lot!

By Sian Owen / January 27, 2021
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Hi everyone, It is always hard to find things to do with our children, especially when they are attached to a computer or bored. All children, young and old, love competitive games. My husband would put a coin on the dinner table when things were getting rowdy and begin a series of quiz questions. He would go around all the children and ask for an answer to the quiz question which was made age appropriate. If they didn’t manage the first round, he would give a clue and the money would get less each round. You would be astonished how …
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