Tertiary Theological Education
Te Kupenga Catholic Leadership Institute is the home of three national agencies including the Catholic Theological College.
Catholic Theological College
Te Kupenga Catholic Theological College was created by a merger of Good Shepherd College (GSC) in Auckland and the Catholic Institute of Aotearoa New Zealand (TCI).
It is responsible for providing approved tertiary qualifications including the Bachelor of Theology degree for the Sydney College of Divinity undertaken by students of Holy Cross Seminary.
It also provides theological qualifications for teachers of Catholic Schools and other ministers in the Church including faith community leaders.
Theology and its related disciplines are taught and studied to attain a deeper understanding of divine revelation and the treasure of Christian wisdom in the Catholic tradition. The courses are designed to relate to the needs of contemporary men and women so that knowledge and faith may be integrated, and the dialogue of faith, reason and culture may be continued.
Download the College's brochure here.
PH: 09-361 1053
Email: [email protected]
Our Seminaries
A seminary is an institution for educating students (sometimes called seminarians) in scripture, theology, pastoral skills and human relations prepare them for ordination to the priesthood. There are two seminary in New Zealand both of them based in Auckland