Donate Today
2024 Appeal
For generations, the Cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph has served as the Mother Church of our Diocese, extending its warm embrace to both visitors and those in search of their faith. This sacred space serves as a welcoming haven for baptisms and a place of solace as we say farewell to loved ones.
In these tough times, our Cathedral is subject to the challenges of rising costs in keeping its doors open. Inner city upgrades have hit hard, with fewer visitors, reduced donations and an understandable reluctance for many trying to navigate an ever-changing road network.
Considering these challenges, the St Patricks Foundation has kindly allowed all proceeds raised from this year’s appeal to go directly to the parish.
Prayerfully consider supporting our cherished Sanctuary in the city. The Cathedral is a treasured home for everyone in our Diocese.
The Cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph is a vital part of the living fabric that connects all the parishes in our Diocese.
- Bishop Steve Lowe
Donate options
Automatic Payment - Internet Banking
We would like to encourage those who can, to donate electronically using internet banking directly to the Cathedral account. This ensures that the full value of your donation goes towards the Cathedral. We welcome either a one-off donation or a regular monthly payment. Bank account details are in the image immediately below.
To receive a tax receipt for this donation please email [email protected] or phone 09 303 4509 with details of the donation and the name included in particulars.
Donate via credit card - fill out the form below
Leave a gift in your will
By leaving a bequest for the support and formation of seminarians you leave a legacy that will benefit the Church into the future, a gift that will be greatly appreciated.
Your bequest is your choice - it may be part of your estate, an item of value, a sum of money - whether large or small it will be put to good use.
Sample wording:
I give and bequeath to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland the following: ___________________ (here indicate a specific sum or other asset or a proportion of your estate, or the residual of your estate after other distributions are made) to be applied for the support of seminarians for the Diocese of Auckland ...