Church in Mission
I have a dream. I dream of a ‘missionary Church', so that all her structures can be used
for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her own self-preservation.
Evangelii Gaudium, 27 (On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s Word), Pope Francis, 2013.
The synthesis report of the first session of the Synod on Synodality calls us to be A Synodal Church in Mission.
It is the hope of the Church that in a climate of mutual listening and sincere dialogue we might walk together at the service of the good seed of the Kin-dom of God. Growing and being missionary disciples.
Why do we need to look at new ways of being Church in Mission?
We as the baptised, are called to continually grow our relationship with Jesus that we might live and proclaim the Joy of the Gospel. In Matthew's account of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) we are given four tasks.
Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations
baptise them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
and teach them to observe all the commands
I gave you.
This calls us to move from 'good enough' maintenance faith communities to missional communities. To be people bringing Jesus' message of love.
But what can I do ?
There is no silver bullet that gives an exact recipe that makes instant disciples. Here are a number of ideas to get you thinking. Don't be scared to adapt and modify as suits your situation.
- Assist in community action that your community initiates
- Teach literacy programmes e.g.
- Conduct book discussions & book swaps with others that promote spiritual growth.
- Pray the daily office in a public place such as the Church and invite all to join you - think about going on-line.
- Have food, clothing, and cleaning supplies in store for those in need.
- Sponsor an activity in the local Catholic school, this could include helping families send children to camp or provide stationery / uniform.
- Celebrate community heroes.
Faith communities (schools, ethnic groups, youth groups, parishes) can access a range of resources to explore the being Church in Mission through the CDA portal.
Forward in Courage and Hope
We are called to embrace the challenge of Pope Francis that our faith communities look to renew their practices, resources, language, and structures so that they be channelled towards evangelisation of today’s world. Evangelii Gaudium # 27.
Pope Francis has called us all to proclaim the Gospel in a new way - “a new phase of evangelisation that (has) existed from the beginning” Misericordiae Vultus #4. He calls us to reawaken parishes, ethnic communities, and schools to new life. To be courageous and look to the future with hope, to promote evangelisation and justice with new enthusiasm and renewed missionary intent.