Akotanga Mīhana - Missionary Discipleship
A Priority
One of the key priorities of Diocesan life is to grow missionary discipleship.
At the end of the Gospel we are challenged by Christ to Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. As the baptized no matter our vocational role we are challenged to be missionary. As an individual, and as a member of the many faith communities we connect to including parish, school, fraternities, social action group we are challenged and to be part of the implementation. To live and to share the Joy of the Gospel.
The Church of Auckland is a community of communities that embraces the diversity of humanity. We are pilgrim people of God making our way together. We are bound by a common past and an as yet to happen future. As Paul writes to the Hebrews (13:14) “we have not here a lasting city, but we seek one that is to come”. Come let us do this together.