Ngā Whakahaerenga a Parihe - Parish Administration
Serving the people, places and community in which the Diocese works
The Administration Department of the Catholic Diocese of Auckland is responsible for the financial stewardship of the diocese. The Diocese provides support in a number of areas including:
- Human Resources (including Health and Safety and Safeguarding)
- Finance
- Property
- Finance
Each year the Diocese produces an Annual Report. This document summarises the wonderful mahi of so many in our Diocese. We thank all those who:
- contribute to the administration of parishes and other faith communities
- lead ministry in our parishes and faith communities.
We give thanks for your ministry.
CDA Portal
A dedicated online portal has been provided to support parishes in their ministry. This portal is becoming a repository for all administrative resources that Parishes need from the Diocese. This content is available to those who are administering or leading ministry in faith communities only - access to the CDA Portal is password protected. If you do not already have logon details please:
- request logon details from your usual CDA Administration Team member; or
- contact Teresa McNamara (details available on the Directory).
Resources for the following administration and ministry/mahi can be found on the CDA portal:
- Finance
- Employment
- Property
- Health and Safety
- Technology
- Pastoral
- Schools
- Youth Ministry
Administration Seminars
Periodically the diocese offers Administration Seminars. These are an opportunity for those carrying out administration roles in parishes and faith communities to be formed in latest best practice and seek clarity regarding procedures and requirements.
A series of videos on topics of interest have been developed. These videos can be accessed on the CDA YouTube channel.