Kia Mārena - Getting Married
A wedding is a day. Marriage is a lifetime.
The church rejoices with you and wants your wedding day and married life to be richly blessed. Our aim is to give you knowledge and skills in order that you might make your marriage the best possible, and to help you build a strong foundation for a lasting marriage.
Strong Marriages, Strong Families, Strong Communities
A Christian Marriage
A Christian marriage isn’t just a big ceremony held in a church with nice flowers and everyone wearing fancy clothes and taking lots of pictures. Marriage is an act of faith between a man and a woman who are both fragile and limited, but courageous enough to follow Christ and seek to love each other as he loves them’ Pope Francis.
At your wedding, you will make a commitment ‘to promise to be true to each other, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and to love and honour each other all the days of your life..' Faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we believe that marriage is life giving, permanent, exclusive and between a man and a woman.
The preparation forms to complete and the ceremony all assist you, the couple, to prepare for, and to appreciate what you are doing. With God’s grace, your bond of love is blessed and strengthened.