Nga Pāpāho - Media and Communications
Recent News
Letter regarding Tyburn Monastery
Please click here for a letter to the worshipping community at Tyburn Monastery, Bombay
Clergy shifts for early 2025
Please click here for the Clergy shifts for early 2025…
My thanks goes to the Marist Fathers have kindly agreed to remain in Whangarei until after Easter and the other Te Tai Tokerau priests who were going to move.
As noted, there will be further shifts in Te Tai Tokerau that we are continuing to work on
May joy be yours as we celebrate Gaudete Sunday
✠ Steve Lowe
Bishop of Auckland
Holy Name Catholic Church makes decision to purchase and relocate to Ascension Winery
Further to our media statement on 30 May 2024, the Catholic Diocese of Auckland and the Holy Name Parish in Warkworth have gone unconditional on the acquisition of 480 Matakana Road.
A consultation process with parishioners ran through June to explore the option of buying the former Ascension Winery at 480 Matakana Road. Parishioners had multiple opportunities to engage during a site visit, attending a forum and completing a survey response. Of those who responded 85% supported the proposal. Click here to read the full media release.
Media Spokesperson
For media enquiries please email us at [email protected] or phone 04 496 1725.