Te Ritenga o te Kupu a te Ariki, mō ngā tamariki — Liturgy of the Word with Children
A resource page for those who minister in the community by facilitating Children's Liturgy of the Word
The Liturgy of the Word with Children is...
- a ritual for the proclamation of God’s Word with Children appropriate to their understanding.
- a moment of salvation in which the living God communicates life to God’s children and in which they respond with awe, praise, thanksgiving and petition.
- liturgy, and is not Sunday School. Activity sheets can be useful as take-home material for family follow-up, but they are not appropriate to be used during a liturgical celebration.
- time to hear God’s Word at an appropriate level.
- an opportunity to hear the Gospel message and consider how to practice it in life.
Preparation Material
9 February
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
16 February
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
23 February
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 March
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9 March
1st Sunday of Lent
16 March
2nd Sunday of Lent
23 March
3rd Sunday of Lent
30 March
4th Sunday of Lent